ROMA - 2016
New Software and Platforms
New Results
New Software and Platforms
New Results

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence:

    • Anne Benoit : Algorithmique avancée (CM 32h), L3, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.

    • Maroua Maalej : Algorithmique et Programmation Avancée (TD=18, TP=24h), L2, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard : Autumn 2016.

    • Maroua Maalej : Architecture et système (TP=24h), L2, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard : Autumn 2016.

    • Maroua Maalej : Gestion de Projet et Génie Logiciel (TD/TP=10h), M1, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard : Autumn 2016.

    • Christophe Alias : Compilation et outils de développement (CM+TD=18h), L3, INSA Centre-Val-de-Loire : Spring 2016.

    • Christophe Alias : Concours E3A – épreuve informatique MPSI (correcteur) : Spring 2016.

    • Yves Robert : Algorithmique (CM 32h), L3, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

  • Master:

    • Anne Benoit, Resilient and energy-aware scheduling algorithms (CM 24h), M2, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.

    • Laure Gonnord : Compilation (CM+TD 76h), M1, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, et M1 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.

    • Laure Gonnord : Préparation à l'écrit et à l'oral d'informatique du capès d'informatique, 10h, M1 MEEF Université Claude Bernard Lyon1.

    • Laure Gonnord : Program Analysis : (CM+TP 10h, avec D.Monniaux), M2 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.

    • Christophe Alias : Optimisation d'applications embarquées (CM+TD=24h), M1, INSA Centre-Val-de-Loire.

    • Christophe Alias: Advanced Compilers: Automatic Parallelization and High-level Synthesis (CM 24h, avec F. Rastello), M2, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France.

    • Frédéric Vivien, Algorithmique et Programmation Parallèles et Distribuées (CM 36 h), M1, École normale supérieure de Lyon, France.


  • PhD in progress: Aurélien Cavelan, “Resilient and energy-aware scheduling algorithms for large-scale distributed systems”, started in September 2014, advisors: Anne Benoit and Yves Robert.

  • PhD in progress: Changjiang Gou, “Resilient and energy-aware scheduling algorithms for large-scale distributed systems”, started in September 2016, funding: China Scholarship Council, advisors: Anne Benoit and Loris Marchal.

  • PhD in progress: Li Han, “Algorithms for detecting and correcting silent and non-functional errors in scientific workflows”, started in September 2016, funding: China Scholarship Council, advisors: Yves Robert and Frédéric Vivien

  • PhD in progress: Oguz Kaya, “High performance parallel tensor computations”, started in September 2014, funding: Inria, advisors: Bora Uçar and Yves Robert.

  • PhD in progress: Aurélie Kong Win Chang, “Techniques de résilience pour l’ordonnancement de workflows sur plates-formes décentralisées (cloud computing) avec contraintes de sécurité”, started in October 2016, funding: ENS Lyon, advisors: Yves Robert, Yves Caniou and Eddy Caron.

  • PhD in progress: Maroua Maalej, “Low cost static analyses for compilers”, started in October 2014, advisors : Laure Gonnord and Frédéric Vivien.

  • PhD in progress: Gilles Moreau, “High-performance multifrontal solution of sparse linear systems with multiple right-hand sides, application to the MUMPS solver”, started in December 2015, funding: Mumps consortium and Labex MILYON, advisor: Jean-Yves L'Excellent.

  • PhD in progress: Loic Pottier, “Scheduling concurrent applications in the presence of failures”, started in September 2015, advisors: Anne Benoit and Yves Robert.

  • PhD in progress: Issam Rais, “Multi-criteria scheduling for high-performance computing”, started in November 2015, advisors: Anne Benoit, Laurent Lefèvre (LIP, ENS Lyon, Avalon team), and Anne-Cécile Orgerie (IRISA, Myriads team).

  • PhD in progress: Bertrand Simon, “Task-graph scheduling and memory optimization”, started in September 2015, funding: ENS Lyon, advisors: Loris Marchal and Frédéric Vivien.

  • PhD defended on July 1st: Guillaume Iooss, “Semantic tiling”, started in September 2011, joint PhD ENS-Lyon/Colorado State University, advisors: Christophe Alias and Alain Darte (ENS-Lyon) / Sanjay Rajopadhye (Colorado State University).


  • Christophe Alias participated to the PhD jury of Guillaume Iooss (Colorado State University), in July 2016.

  • Laure Gonnord participated to the Inria recruting jury for junior research positions (CR2), in Rennes, in Spring 2016.

  • Laure Gonnord participated to the PhD jury of Nasrine Damouche (Univ. Perpignan) and Sajith Kalathingal (Univ. Rennes), in December 2016.

  • Laure Gonnord is member of the “Comité de Suivi de thèse” de Maurica Fonenantsoa (Univ. Réunion) since 2015.

  • Loris Marchal participated to the selection committee recruting an assistant professor (MCF) at University of Bordeaux 1, in Spring 2016.